Meet those involved in the making of Christmas Chaos

Lachlan Mead

Game Designer
Lachlan Mead, a 16 year old from Wellington has been passionate about playing and making games for as long as he can remember. He decided to combine his love of games and Christmas together by crafting a Christmas-themed game as a present for his cousins. Encouraged by the enjoyment his family found in playing the game he decided to share Christmas Chaos with others. He has refined the game mechanics through playtesting with friends and family and through testing the prototype at Wellycon.


Hyacinth (@hyacyntart) is a young illustrator who loves creating character focused pieces. Hyacinth got her start making book-based artwork, and now is looking to expand her work to games, animation, and more! Christmas Chaos was her most ambitious project yet, and one of her most fun. She enjoys drawing with warm colours and making art that makes people smile.

Eden Laing